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Islamic Science University of Malaysia (USIM) and Hayrat Foundation held a program together on Tuesday, February 16th 2016, in Istanbul.
In the event USIM students introduced projects and their own multimedia products like “i-qiraat, i-tafsir, i-celik, and i-tarannum” which aim at enhancing Qur’an teaching and learning methods using multimedia.
Hayrat R&D members presented what the foundation do on its online platforms, and explained how and why these things are done on web. They also introduced Hayrat Web Tv and Hayrat Studio.
Participants tried to gain a better understanding of the connection between the Qur’an and multimedia in today’s world, and looked for the ways how to implement the Quran online in a more systematic and attractive style.
USIM delegate also delivered a donation, 10,000 Turkish liras and some clothes, from the Union of Mosque Congregation to Hayrat Humanitarian Aid Association to be sent to Syrian people.
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