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Some of the books from the Risale-i Nur Corpus translated by Hayrat Translation and Editing Committee into 17 languages are now available online for the benefit of all.

One day, one of Imam Bediuzzaman’s students, who was handwriting the imam’s books upon his dictation in Barla, thought “Our master authors these and has them copied out, but who will read them on this mountain?” Then the imam turned to him and said, “Brother, one day the whole world will read these works”. By the grace of Allah, the days when the whole world can read and benefit these books have come!

In a letter sent by Zekai, whose name is mentioned in Risale-i Nur, to his master, he points out these days and says:

“I see and understand and believe that a time will come that these Epistles of Lights and the Letters of Light (…) will enlighten distant places and surround them with the light of guidance, just like a power plant enlightening everywhere by touching just one button.” (The Letters of Barla, 50)

Website address: risalahonline.com

Website features:

  • Search engine in the translated books
  • Same page order with printed editions
  • Reader friendly and easy citation special design
  • Mobile optimised


English, Arabic, Malay, Indonesian, Russian, French, Tamil, Mooré, Hausa, Bengali, Persian, German, Kirghiz, Dutch, Georgian, Bosnian, Jawi.

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